James 1:2

"Consider it pure joy, my brother, when you encounter various trials" - James 1:2

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Final Countdown...

Just 10 days now until the big surgery day.  It seems I'm a special patient.  I get not one, but two surgeons.  Yay for me. :(  The first doctor is Dr. O'Koon, a general surgeon.  He will be repairing my groin hernia.  My fertility specialist, Dr. Homm will be going in second to work on my lady parts.  I have some weirdness going on that makes me have some pain just about everyday.  My left ovary (namely the trouble maker) is attached to my uterus.  I'm told this is not supposed to be.  Basically the ovary bends down and is attached to the uterus so when the uterus moves it pulls on my ovary.  (ouch!) It's the same ovary that had the large cyst on it so there's likely some major scar tissue.  I'm thinking maybe he should just take it out, I have another one.  OUT WITH THE TROUBLE MAKER!  :)  Gotta have a sense of humor these days or I will go crazy. 

I also have a pretty large mass just hanging out in my uterus taking up space and causing some other weird events.  Dr. Homm is not really sure what it is, but it could be from all the miscarriages or just scar tissue.   He's also going to make sure everything is clear and see if there is any endometriosis.

I'm told it will take about three weeks for me to be able to do "normal" activity after the double surgery.  I'm thinking I will be up and running within a few days.  They don't know this superwoman :).  I will try to post between now and of course as soon as I'm lucid after the surgery I will post too.  Until then, I could use a few prayers or maybe a lot of prayers.  Thanks bloggy friends.  XOXO

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